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Manufacturing number | PMP482506000 |
Made in | China |
Extra heavy | Yes |
The Victron MultiPlus-II GX is the new 48V to 230V inverter/charger combination. The device has been specially developed for ESS energy storage systems, and has a continuous power of 5000 VA (4000 Watt) and an integrated 48V - 70A battery charger.
This MultiPlus-II GX inverter/charger combination has all the functions of the MultiPlus and the MultiGrid with an integrated islanding protection, plus an external current transformer option to implement PowerControl and PowerAssist and to measure self-consumption with external current detection (max. 32A). optimize.
Thanks to the GX functionality, it is possible to integrate the Multiplus-II inverter/charger with a GX device (with a 2x16 character screen).
The screen reads the parameters of the battery, inverter and solar charge controller and these parameters can also be accessed with a smartphone or other Wi-Fi device.
The following GX devices can be integrated:
• A BMS-Can interface. This can be used to connect to a compatible CAN bus managed battery. Note that
this is not a VE.Can compatible port.
• A USB port.
• An Ethernet port.
• A VE.Direct port
Only one GX unit is needed in case of parallel and three-phase operation.
The Victron MultiPlus-II GX 48/5000/70-50 230V
This GX version of the new inverter/charger combination from Victron Energy is specially designed for off-grid or grid-connected PV installations and alternative power installations. The MultiPlus-II is a combination of a powerful pure sine wave inverter with a capacity of 5000 VA (4000 Watt), an advanced battery charger with 70 Amps adaptive charging technology and a super fast AC transfer switch, and a GX device with a 2 x 16 character screen in a single compact housing. The MultiPlus-II has VDE and TOR D4 certification.
A Multiplus-II with LCD and GX functionality
The Multiplus-II GX integrates a Multiplus-II inverter/charger and a GX device with a 2 x 16 character display.
Screen and Wi-Fi
The screen reads the parameters of the battery, inverter and solar charge controller. These parameters can also be accessed with a smartphone or other Wi-Fi device.
GX device
The integrated GX device includes:
> A V.Can interface. This can be used to connect Victron Ve.Can devices (e.g. Ve.Can MPPTs), or the port can be reconfigured via the remote console for use with a compatible CAN bus Li-ion battery.
> A USB port.
> An Ethernet port.
> A VE.Direct port.
The Multiplus-II GX is intended for applications where additional interfacing with other products and/or remote monitoring is required, such as off-grid or network-connected energy storage systems and certain mobile applications.
Parallel and three-phase operation
Only one GX unit is needed in case of parallel and three-phase operation.
Power Assist
The MultiPlus-II prevents overloading of a limited AC source, such as a generator or shore connection. First of all, the battery charge is automatically reduced to prevent overload. Then the second level enlarges, using power supply from the battery, the steam from the generator or shore power.
ESS: Energy Storage Systems
The MultiPlus-II is the main component of the Victron ESS (energy storage system), which allows for a flexible combination with MPPT solar chargers or grid-tied PV inverters.
Uninterruptible AC power (UPS function)
In the event of a power failure, or if the shore or generator power is disconnected, the inverter within the Multi will automatically be activated and take over the power supply to the connected devices. This happens so fast (within 20 milliseconds) that computers and other electronics can continue to function undisturbed.
Monitor and control remotely
You can monitor and control your Multi and system(s) from anywhere in the world. This can be done both locally (LAN) and remotely with the free VRM app and VRM portal website. This can be done from a smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC with different operating systems. Via the required Color Contol GX or Venus GX, the level of control is unlimited, from adjusting the Multi to automatically starting the backup generator and more…
NL: Krijg te horen dat een Victron Multiplus II 48v 5000 niet zou werken op een Belgisch elektriciteitsnet van 3 maal 230V zonder nullleider ? Hier komen dus 3 draden binnen van de leverancier en zo heb ik een L1 L2 en L3 maar zonder de N .
Kan u me vertellen of de Victron hierop zal werken?
EN: I have heard that a Victron Multiplus II 48v 5000 would not work on a Belgian electricity grid of 3 times 230V without a neutral conductor? So here come 3 wires from the supplier and so I have an L1 L2 and L3 but without the N .
Can you tell me if the Victron will work on this?
DE: Ich habe gehört, dass ein Victron Multiplus II 48v 5000 ohne Neutralleiter nicht in einem belgischen Stromnetz mit 3 mal 230V funktionieren würde? Hier kommen also 3 Drähte vom Lieferanten und ich habe also L1, L2 und L3, aber ohne N.
Können Sie mir sagen, ob Victron damit funktionieren wird?
De Multiplus II van Victron Energy was in het verleden gehomologeerd door Synergrid zonder bijkomende EnFluRi sensor. In een ESS systeem konden verschillende meters gebruikt worden zoals de ET112, ET340, EM24…
Voortaan kunnen deze meters niet meer gebruikt worden en moet voor nieuwe installaties de current transformer worden gebruikt.
De current transformer heeft een aantal voordelen:
Sneller te installeren daar deze rond de ader van de netaansluiting kan geklikt worden.
Op de MultiPlus II wordt deze aangesloten middels een jack aansluiting.
De current transformer heeft een kabel met een lengte van 1m of 5m en kan door de installateur worden verlengd met een drie-aderige kabel van min. 0,75mm² tot 20m.; een afgeschermde kabel bv. LIYCY heeft de voorkeur.
De current transformer is geschikt tot 100A.
Voor onze S³-systemen heeft dit als gevolg:
Monofase systemen die worden aangesloten op een monofase net (of op een 3x220 net zonder N) worden geleverd met 1 current transformer met 5m kabel i.p.v. een meter EM24
Driefase systemen met N worden geleverd met 3 current transformers van 5m. i.p.v. een meter EM24
Een monofase systeem op een 3F+N net heeft een extra meter ET340 of EM24 nodig om de andere fasen te kunnen meten en aan fasecompensatie te kunnen doen. Deze moet extra worden besteld.
De current transformer heeft bestelcode:
CTR110000500 met 1m kabel
CTR110000550 met 5m kabel
Victron Energy's Multiplus II was previously homologated by Synergrid without an additional EnFluRi sensor. In an ESS system, different meters could be used such as the ET112, ET340, EM24…
From now on, these meters can no longer be used and the current transformer must be used for new installations.
The current transformer has a number of advantages:
Faster to install as it can be clicked around the core of the mains connection.
It is connected to the MultiPlus II via a jack connection.
The current transformer has a cable with a length of 1m or 5m and can be extended by the installer with a three-core cable of min. 0.75mm² up to 20m; a shielded cable e.g. LIYCY is preferred.
The current transformer is suitable for up to 100A.
For our S³ systems this means:
Monophase systems that are connected to a monophase grid (or to a 3x220 grid without N) are supplied with 1 current transformer with 5m cable instead of a meter EM24
Three-phase systems with N are supplied with 3 current transformers of 5m. instead of a meter EM24
A mono-phase system on a 3F+N network needs an extra meter ET340 or EM24 to measure the other phases and to do phase compensation. This must be ordered additionally.
The current transformer has order code:
CTR110000500 with 1m cable
CTR110000550 with 5m cable
Der Multiplus II von Victron Energy wurde zuvor von Synergrid ohne zusätzlichen EnFluRi-Sensor homologiert. In einem ESS-System könnten verschiedene Messgeräte verwendet werden, z. B. ET112, ET340, EM24 ...
Ab sofort können diese Zähler nicht mehr verwendet werden und bei Neuinstallationen muss der Stromwandler verwendet werden.
Der Stromwandler hat eine Reihe von Vorteilen:
Schnellere Installation, da es um den Kern des Netzanschlusses geklickt werden kann.
Der Anschluss an das MultiPlus II erfolgt über einen Klinkenanschluss.
Der Stromwandler verfügt über ein Kabel mit einer Länge von 1m oder 5m und kann vom Installateur mit einem dreiadrigen Kabel von min. 0,75mm² auf bis zu 20m verlängert werden; Ein abgeschirmtes Kabel, z. B. LIYCY, wird bevorzugt.
Der Stromwandler ist für bis zu 100A geeignet.
Für unsere S³-Systeme bedeutet das:
Einphasenanlagen, die an ein Einphasennetz (oder an ein 3x220-Netz ohne N) angeschlossen sind, werden mit 1 Stromwandler mit 5m Kabel anstelle eines Zählers EM24 geliefert
Drehstromsysteme mit N werden mit 3 Stromwandlern à 5 m versorgt. anstelle eines Zählers EM24
Ein einphasiges System in einem 3F+N-Netzwerk benötigt ein zusätzliches Messgerät ET340 oder EM24, um die anderen Phasen zu messen und eine Phasenkompensation durchzuführen. Dies muss zusätzlich bestellt werden.
Der Stromwandler hat den Bestellcode:
CTR110000500 mit 1 m Kabel
CTR110000550 mit 5 m Kabel