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Manufacturing number | ESD-1007227-B |
de gran tamaño | Sí |
ESDEC FlatFix Fusion wind deflector right (XL)
Manufacturer production number: ESD-1007227-B
Package contents: 1 piece
Colour: Black
The aluminum FFESD-1007227-B FlatFix Fusion wind deflector right from Esdec is suitable for flat roofs. This wind deflector closes the right side of the FlatFix Fusion system, which ensures an aerodynamic system. The windshield is made of quality steel and also available in silver (ESD-1007227). The FFESD-1007227-B can be used with a panel length of 1030mm to 1077mm.
To install the right wind deflector, place it on the right side of the panel field. The flange of the wind deflector must always face the panel field. Break open the push-through plates on the side where the cable entries are located at the bottom of the wind deflector and fold them up inwards. Then place the wind deflector with recesses over the cable entries.
Mount the right wind deflector by pressing the starlock over the six catches of the basic elements. Press the wind deflector firmly so that it fits snugly on the base element. Finally, the right wind deflector must be additionally fixed with the self-tapping sheet metal screw 6.0 x 25 mm.
ESDEC Flatfix Fusion
Flatfix Fusion is a brand of the Dutch company ESDEC that was founded in 2004. Flatfix Fusion is a revolutionary lightweight flat roof mounting system that can be used for almost all flat roofs. Using ESDEC's calculation tool you can design your solar energy system within a few minutes or easily calculate and order the required materials.
Features of ESDEC FlatFix Fusion:
Specially developed features for higher returns
Calculation tool available via ESDEC platform
20 year manufacturer's warranty
Extensively tested material
Very simple implementation
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